
Saturday, August 2, 2008


I work primarily with non-believers. They know that I'm a Christian and I know that they are Agnostics or Aethists. I like it this way because we can openly talk about our differing views on the world and particular issues. I believe the problem arises when people don't know what they are. I got into a conversation yesterday about individuals that we all seem to know that claim to be a "Christian" but look no different than the world except that they find it necessary to point out the failings of those around them that are doing similar things. Someone that, upon returning from the brothel, feels compelled to point out to his drunk buddies how they are really bad "Christians". I hate to say that I see this a lot. And especially when they point out how someone is being a bad Christian when that person isn't even claiming to be one.

Seriously, can one be a "good" or "bad" Christian. How are we judging? In order to judge accurately we need a guideline or measuring stick. I believe (through observation) that society would rather have a static list of rules (man made religion) to measure by rather than have to measure ourselves against a HOLY and PERFECT God. After all, none of us actually expect anyone to live up to all the "rules" all the time so we just have to forgive each other for not living up to all the man made rules ("religion"); and since none of us can really do it, forgiveness is readily available and easy to obtain. However, if our measuring stick is a HOLY and PERFECT God when I miss the mark and find myself not measuring up I have to HUMBLY come before a HOLY and PERFECT God, someone who has lived a PERFECT and HOLY life with all the same temptations we have, and ask forgiveness.

Religion has gotten a bad name because it is seen as synonymous with the various flavors of static man-made rule sets used to judge each other. I'd much rather have a dynamic relationship with the living God, all it costs me is humility. My .02

1 comment:

  1. Hey, That was a really great post! We were just talking about that in my Sunday school class a few weeks ago. And how you really do have to be able to defend your personal beliefs. Keep up the good work!:)
