
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Human Trafficking and the Economic Downturn

World Vision (WV) Australia just ran a news piece that clued me in on a couple issues regarding the state of human trafficking. One issue is how the current economic downturn has bolstered human trafficking. And the other is that with everyone focused on providing for own families we may be dropping the ball on caring for orphans and widows.

First, current economics bolstering human trafficking. Many times traffickers seek to exploit those who are looking for work. There is the promise of a better paying job usually near or just across a border or in the big city. Once the person accepts and is taken to the new place they are wisped across the border and/or locked away in some awful room downtown. The person is afraid in an unfamiliar place with mean people all around. They are then threatened, and many times given drugs to start their addiction, given their captors more power over them.

It's easy to see how the economic downturn has helped provide many people looking for work in unfamiliar places. WV points out that in the Philippines alone more than 42,000 have recently lost their jobs. In a place like that job recruiters abound...which ones are honest and which ones are going to sell their victims to human traffickers? It's hard to tell.

The second issue of being so distracted by our own problems that we forget about those less fortunate sickens me. Don't get me wrong, I've got to provide for my family first. But we cannot forget about the orphans and widows. It is in times like these that we need to be active in pressuring governments, being an advocate and getting our hands dirty. I've noticed when I get too wrapped up in my self and things that directly affect me that something big is missing. God created us to help ONE ANOTHER; to love and serve our neighbor.

So find a outlet for giving; and give till it hurts!