
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Seeing Through God's Eyes

I've been praying lately that God would help me to see the world the way He sees it. Well, He is answering that prayer. The basis of it begins with the understanding that God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. Now put that together with His great compassion and His heart for justice.

When I boldly dare to approach the majestic throne of God in prayer to know Him better and lay my cares upon Him, I must stop and think, what has He seen that day, and what IS He seeing as we commune. He, no doubt, is seeing all the beauty of those broken ones coming to Him to be restored, but He is also seeing the oppression and abuse of His little ones. While giving me peaceful sleep He has watched a nine year old girl abducted from her home, taken across a border and placed in a brothel and made to sleep with 40 men per day (true, I've read her story and still see her face). My great and compassionate God has watched a little one beaten after a 14 hour work day for not producing enough pogs (he was sold to a job recruiter to help provide for his poor family). and on, and on, and on...

I cannot fathom the depths of His love, nor the depths of his pain in seeing all He sees...and he looks at the Church...

Do we squander the gifts we have? Are we so self-centered that we won't reach out?

The enemy has built gates around evil people, businesses and cities, and the Church is either scared, confused, blind, or unable...but make no mistake, we are NOT unable in Christ. He tells us that the gates of hell will not prevail! It's time to break down some some gates! Don't know how? Pray! He is faithful and is certainly willing that we go.

God, I want to be moved by what moves you.