You've probably heard it said that Grace is getting what we Don't deserve while Mercy is Not getting what we Do deserve. It's rather simplistic but I believe it accurately describes God's dealing with us as far as Grace and Mercy are concerned. However, I desire to get beyond the simple milk and strive for the meat of the Word. Jesus says in Matthew 9:13 "Go and Learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' " This is from Hosea 6:6 "I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings."
I've always had the notion that mercy was primarily a passive word. How is one to "do" mercy? Paul in Romans 12:8 encourages those who are gifted in showing mercy to do it cheerfully. When showing compassion or mercy isn't it just sympathy with a hug or pat on the back and some kind words? Sometimes we can do little else, however, mercy (at least in the Greek) is an action word. Most of the time it depicts Action taken out of compassion to alleviate misery and to relieve the suffering of a person or group of people. The good samaritan in Luke 10:37 is a great example of Showing mercy.
The action that God took to remove the curse of sin for us was anything but passive. For some reason God's mercy always seemed to me a simple act of His will to wave His hand to say He would not charge my sin against me. Although I am eternally grateful for that, the thought of what He had to do in order to make it possible for Him to wave His hand in forgiveness is something entirely more meaningful and profound. My King aggressively sought to remedy my misery and certain demise. The action not only involved Him but His son as well. For God to send His son, for Jesus to step out of heaven to live among us and bear the suffering and consequences of our sin, namely separation from His Father on the cross, is a profound example of the Act of Mercy... I've stopped typing for some time because I lack the eloquence and precision to accurately describe my renewed realization of what my Lord has done for me... It is God's tender regard for the plight of man that moved Him to act in such a manner as this.
We too should have this kind of compassion for our fellow man. A tender regard that moves us toward aggressive action to alleviate suffering. Mercy, Grace and Peace are tightly intertwined.
God gave us what we didn't deserve so that He could rescue us from what we did deserve resulting in the peace of God.
Let us act following the example of our King.